Albany Junior School

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Our Religious Education board

Curriculum statement about the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus

R.E essence statement


At Albany Infants and Albany Juniors, we teach RE meeting the requirements of the Nottinghamshire Agreed syllabus. We aim to develop increasing understanding of wide areas of RE subject knowledge, and their religious literacy. RE provokes challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.

We aim to achieve this by teaching knowledge and skills through high quality sequences of lessons which are designed to help pupils:

  • investigate religions and world views through varied experiences and disciplines and stories.
  • to interpret and evaluate evidence, texts, and sources of wisdom or authority.
  • Discuss and share personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the right of others to have different views, values and ways of life.

Teaching is designed to take account of our five key curriculum drivers with skills and knowledge taken from our progression documents to ensure age appropriate content. Where appropriate, links are also made to ensure that children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is enhanced through RE.


RE policy


Our RE policy explains the importance of the subject in our curriculum as well as our approaches to teaching, learning and assessment. A separate Collective Worship policy can also be found below.

Long term plan


The long term plan identifies the units of work and world faiths that are studied and how much teaching time is dedicated to each one.

Curriculum overview


The coverage of the agreed syllabus is broken down into three key areas:

  • Knowing and understanding

  • Expressing and communicating ideas

  • Gaining and deploying skills

The aims of the agreed syllabus



These objectives show how knowledge and skills in RE progress and become increasingly more challenging through years 3-6. This forms the basis of our assessment whilst making a judgement as to whether a child is working below or at age-related expectations or at greater depth at the end of the year.
