Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Meet the Staff

Come and meet the staff at our school!

Senior Leadership Team

Head Teacher

Mrs Goffin

Deputy Headteacher/Upper School Phase Leader

Miss Hubert

Business Manager

Miss Frost

Lower School Phase Leader

Mr Tivey


Mrs Marshall



Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mrs Goffin - Senior DSL

Miss Frost - Deputy DSL

Miss Hubert - DSL

Mr Tivey - DSL


Miss Hubert 

Mr Tivey

Miss Ottowell

Mrs Marshall 

Miss Stephenson

Miss Brown

Mr Harding


Teaching Assistants

Miss Tarlton-Weatherall 

Mrs McPhee 

Mrs Limb 

Mr Still 

Mrs Cave 

Mrs Kettle 

Miss Wynne 

Mrs Hill

Mrs Thomas 

Mrs Jelley 


Specialist Teachers

Mr Riley - PE Specialist

Senora Creese - Spanish Specialist


Midday Team

Mrs Kettle (Senior Midday Supervisor)

Mrs Longford

Mrs Spowage

Mrs Viner

Miss Jones


Office Team

Miss Frost (Business Manager)

Mrs Sturgess (Administrative Assistant)

Mrs J Shiels (Family SENCO)


Kitchen Team

Mrs Palmer

Miss Marshall


Site Team

Mr Granger (Site Manager)

Mrs Riley (Cleaner in Charge)

Mrs Viner (Cleaner)


Chair of Governors

Miss Marshall


Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs Castle



Mrs Goffin

Miss Frost

Mr Huntingford

Miss Hubert

Mr Geary

Miss Ward




