Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Welcome to 4S!


We are enjoying many fascinating topics and exciting experiences this year in Year 4. In 4S, the teacher is Miss Stephenson and is supported by our fantastic teaching assistant Miss Wynne. We also have Spanish with our specialist teacher Senora Creese and Music with Miss Woolley.


We do, however, move around into different groups so the children may work in a different class for some sessions. Intervention groups are led by our teaching assistants.




For the Spring term, PE will be on a Monday and Tuesday. Please come to school in PE kit on those days.

 P.E kit is:


  • Plain Black/navy bottoms (joggers or shorts in warmer weather)
  • Plain black/navy jacket
  • White top
  • trainers




We need to know as many of the 100 spellings as possible by the end of the year as there are new 100 words in Year 5 and 6. The 100 word spellings help decide if children meet the end of Year 6 writing standards so they are really important.


We also look at spelling patterns as well as the Mrs Wordsmith words that we learn in English. Phonics sessions take place for those children who need this support.


Every Friday, we will send home a list of spellings to learn for the following Friday when we will have a spelling test. Children who have phonics sessions, please practice your 100 words.


Maths Times Table screening June 2024

There will be a times table test in June 2024. Children need to learn the times tables and this will be a focus in school. Some times table homework will be sent each week. This will be either paper copies or a Times Table Rockstar challenge- please practice on this as often as possible.



Reading anything and everything is valuable. Starbooks rewards those children on a Friday with a treat if they have read to a parent three times in a week and had it signed off in the Partnership book. Please can children read to an adult at home before asking to change their book. 


There is also the 50 reads Bingo. Children will need to complete a book review before changing these- just ask an adult in class for one of these. Please take extra-extra special care of these books. If lost, they will need to be paid for so we can replace it for other children to enjoy.
