Rights Respecting School Ambassadors
What is a Rights Respecting School?
A Rights Respecting School puts the CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) at the heart of a school’s culture and ethos to improve well-being and develop every child’s talents and abilities to their fullest potential.

Rights Respecting Schools Award
UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation for children and their rights. In 1989, governments across the world promised all children the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The rights are international law.
All the countries in the world have signed to make this domestic law in their country. Except for two…
Albany Junior School are on a journey to be a school that has pupils who are fully aware of their rights and can confidently speak up when they feel their rights are being challenged. They will also appreciate the need for children’s rights to be realised everywhere. Children in a Rights respecting School are helped in their journey to becoming a global citizen. Here at Albany Junior School, pupils are learning about many of the rights through their PSHE lesson and a Rights and Respecting ethos throughout the whole school, helped by our fantastic ambassadors.
Last years ambassadors worked hard to design an Albany Way to Respecting Rights. This will include; a specifically child designed action plan to how we will achieve our goals, our own grading system with awards and our own titles.
Our aim is to make the children aware of the key rights that are embedded within the ethos and values of our school.
Our new award system comes in 3 stages.
Our aim is to achieve an award each term.
Our Rights Respecting Ambassadors meet every 2 weeks to work on our targets.
Now we are all settled in our new classes, children are getting back on track with their 'Rights Respecting Ambassadors' responsibilities in their class. Our new 2024-2025 ambassadors are already working extremely hard towards achieving our first awards.
Previous Achievements!
Before beginning our new journey 'The Albany Way to Respecting Rights' we did achieve the first stage of UNICEF UK's Rights Respecting Award (RRSA), 'Bronze: Rights Committed'.
We are still striving to create the best possible learning environment for our children and this achievement shows that we are committed to promoting and realising children's rights and encourage each other to respect the rights of others in school.
Well Done Albany!
Albany Junior School as a Rights Respecting school.
Pupils’ opinions and thoughts are sought, encouraged and respected in all aspects of the school’s work. Pupil leadership is an integral part of the school’s ethos. School Council and Rights Respecting School Ambassadors are examples of committees where pupils are given the opportunity to lead aspects of school life.