Welcome to our Class page.
We are 5W.
Mrs Wright is our class teacher.
During the week we also work with Mrs Anderson and Mrs Searson.

WW2 Learning Logs
We have indoor PE on a Monday afternoon - Spring term we are doing Dance.
We have swimming on a Wednesday afternoon so don't forget your kit!
Homework - Due in on Wednesdays
We have three lots a week apart from reading.
SPAG (Spelling Grammar and Punctuation) This is all about improving our writing and spelling.
Maths - Either written or Mathletics.
Spelling - A set of words to learn for a weekly test.
It is also useful if Times Tables are learnt as we also have weekly tests.
Spring Term
This term's topic is all about the Rainforests. We are going to be learning about the diversity of flora and fauna found there and understanding why we need to look after this precious place.
Below you will see our spring term newsletter where you can see what we will be getting up to in 5W
Autumn Term
This term we are learning about the Ancient Maya. We are going to research how they lived and the Gods they worshipped. They were a bit gruesome and we are even going to learn abut the Ancient Ball sport of the Gods. We will be reading about the Hero Twins and writing our own Graphic novels.