Welcome to Juniper
Bonjour! We are a class of Year 4 pupils, there are 26 of us in total. Our class teacher is Miss Yates and we are very lucky to have Mrs Searson working with us as well.
This term our topic is "Invaders & Settlers" and we will be learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. We are studying the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain and how they lived during their settlement. Our history studies will take us from AD 449 through to the battle of Hastings in AD 1066.
As part of our topic, Juniper & Aspen class have explored the timeline of events during the Anglo-Saxon period of Britain, we will be looking at different invasion routes and the lifestyle of settlers.
We've got lots of exciting activities planned as part of our topic and we are looking forward to learning even more as the term goes on...
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Invaders & Settlers