Welcome to Rowan
We are a class of Year 3 pupils, in total there are 27 pupils.
Miss Richards is our class teacher. We're really lucky because we also get to work with Miss Weatherall, Mrs Cave and Mrs Ellis throughout the week.
Summer Term
During the Summer Term, our topic will be all about Fairtrade.
We will be learning what Fairtrade is and how we can help farmers who grow fruits, flowers and other products.
In Science, we will be learning all about plants and animals. This includes labelling plants and learning about the functions of plants and what conditions they grow best in.
Chocolatiers from Chesterfield will be visiting us during our topic. They will help us learn about chocolate, which includes the history and science behind it, and they will tell us more about Fairtrade.
Spring Term
During Spring Term, Rowan Class we will be learning about the Romans and how they invaded and settled.
Our book for this term is 'The Roman Invasion' and we will be using this book in Literacy.
In Literacy, we will also be working on Rainbow Grammar and looking at how to improve sentence structure to improve writing.
As part of our Science topic of light and space, the children will be visiting the National Space Centre in Leicester.
Spring Term 2015
Autumn Term
Our topic for the Autumn Term was 'Stone Age to Iron Age'.
We did a lot of work around a book based on the Stone Age called Boy by James Mayhew.
As part of our topic Rowan and Acacia class worked with an outside drama group to learn and perform the Savage Stone Age play. The children were absolutely fantastic!