Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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3 Tivey

Welcome to 3 Tivey


Mr Tivey is our class teacher and he is supported by the amazing Mrs McPhee and Mr Still, who work in the classroom at various points throughout the week, teaching small groups, interventions and sometimes, whole class sessions.


Throughout the year, we will also be taught by a specialist Modern Foreign Languages teacher for our weekly Spanish sessions.


Click on the termly links below

to find out more about what we are doing in our class.


Partnership Books


It is really important that the book goes home each night and is brought into school every day. It contains information like the weekly timetable and any homework to complete. It provides a really great link between home and school and if any parent or carer wishes to leave a note, there is a space at the bottom of each weekly page. Remember, read 3 times in a week and you will earn your weekly stamp for our Starbooks initiative! 




During the Autumn Term, we will be doing PE on a Tuesday and a Friday.


Children are to come in in PE kit on these days which is black tracksuit and white polo top. 





At the start of each term, children will be given a new homework grid full of different challenges linked to the topic being studied.  This term, we are learning about the Stone Age in the first autumn term and in the second autumn term, we will be studying continents and oceans.  All children have been sent home with a blue homework book which has the grid in.  A copy of the grid has been attached below.


As well as the grids, children will be expected to learn their times tables and there will be a weekly times tables test.  There will also be spellings sent home to learn, which will be tested on a Friday.



This year, we have a new list of 100 spellings to learn. Each week, on a Friday, a new set of spellings will be sent home to learn focusing on a new spelling pattern. These will be tested in a spelling test every Friday. We will still be tested on the Year 3/4 list during assessment week. These lists can be found in your partnership books.


Times tables


Please keep learning your times tables so that you become quicker at recalling the multiplication and division facts up to 12x12. Find fun ways of learning them.

Weekly sessions are set on TT rockstars: 




We expect you to be reading at home at least 3 times a week. Reading helps to develop and improve your vocabulary and imagination too. If you read a minimum of 3 times, you will earn your hot chocolate from 'Starbooks' on a Friday. When you read, make sure that an adult records it in your partnership book.

Rainbow Grammar English


Throughout the school, children will be doing rainbow grammar in their English lessons, below is a guide on what it is and how we use it.
