Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Meet the Governors

Governors at Albany Junior School


Mrs Marshall - Chair of Governors


Mrs Castle - Vice Chair of Governors (Local Authority Governor)

I joined Albany Junior School’s governing body in July 2019 as a LA governor. My skills and knowledge are deeply rooted in the education sector from EYFS to KS2.  I aim to offer the school support and challenge with curriculum, assessment and transition in particular. This is further supported by my role as a co-opted governor at Albany Infant School.  Since becoming a governor,  I have have attended a range of training to ensure I have an up to date knowledge of the challenges facing schools nationally and locally.


I have worked as a primary school teacher for 12 years within Nottingham City Local Authority and was an member of the leadership team, holding the position as Assistant Headteacher.  As an experienced KS1 lead and teacher, I have extensive knowledge of the curriculum, data collection and analysis as well as monitoring of quality of work and lessonsIn the last few years, I have taken time out of the classroom to complete an MA in Education and have also enjoyed sharing my love of mathematics, art and engineering as a STEM Ambassador within my local community. These skills and interests are well suited to my role on the governing board as a link governor for maths, science and computing.  Over the last 18 months I have established a tutoring business which focuses mainly on teaching primary aged children in mathematics and specialising in working with children with additional needs and low confidence.  I believe building strong relationships with the whole family is crucial to break down barriers to learning. 


I have a love of learning and believe every child should be given the opportunity to learn in a fun, stimulating and compassionate environment. As a LA governor I aim to work with, encourage and challenge the school to continue to improve standards for all.


Mrs Goffin - Head Teacher

I am the current Headteacher and have been employed at Albany Juniors since 2013

Governor since 2019. I  came to Albany as a class teacher, SENDCO and Senior leader in 2013. I have since been the Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Head of School and Headteacher since Sept 2021. I’ve covered several curriculum areas in my time, such as English, reading, PE, Attendance and PPG.


Miss Frost - Staff Governor

Currently I am the Business Manager at Albany Junior School and have worked here and been a governor since 2019. Previous to this I worked in corporate finance for several years and before that in hospitality finance. I am a Designated Safeguarding Lead alongside my main role as the Business Manager. I am also the Attendance Lead, working with parents and children to support them in achieving the best attendance they can.


Miss Hubert - Co-opted Governor

I have been a class teacher at Albany since September 2015.  Over my teaching career, I have taught in all KS2 year groups but have taught in years 4 and 6 at Albany.  I have been a senior leader in school since 2019 and this year, I have taken on the role of Acting Assistant Headteacher and joined the Governing body.  I have other responsibilities in school that include: maths lead, behaviour lead, PPG lead and I am a DSL.    


Miss Ward - Co-opted Governor

I joined the governing body of Albany Junior school in July 2023. I live locally and have three children aged 18, 8 and 2. I currently work within escalation management for an B2B IT company. Being a member of the Governing Body gives me an insight and the opportunity to support how the teachers and staff aim to achieve our goals. I’m fully committed to maintaining high standards and an environment where every child feels safe, valued, and is empowered to reach their full potential.


Mr Huntingford - Co-opted Governor

I joined the governing body of Albany Junior school in December 2021. I live locally and have two children aged 7 and 4. I currently work within Program Management for the largest e-commerce company in the world, focussing on Loss Prevention and Risk Management. As a governor I am driven to ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. Using my professional experience I provide support and guidance whilst holding senior leaders to account as a critical friend.


Mrs Brackner - Parent Governor


Mr Geary - Parent Governor






