Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

Contact Details

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Queries and Questions

If you wish to ask us any questions or have any queries about anything to do with school please contact Mrs Goffin (Head Teacher), Miss Frost (Business Manager) or Mrs Sturgess (Administrative Assistant) by phone (01159176550) or email 


They will try to answer the query or find out who could answer it for you.


If you have a complaint, please follow the complaints procedure on the website. Our Complaints Policy is outlined on the Policies page. In the first instance please direct your complaint to Miss Frost (Business Manager). This will then be referred to the relevant teacher/staff member or escalated to Mrs Goffin (Head Teacher) or Miss Hubert (Deputy Head Teacher). If you feel that the response to your complaint is not satisfactory please contact our designated Complaints Governor Mrs A Castle - or our Chair of Governors Mrs G Marshall - 
