Good to be Green Behaviour System
Our behaviour system
Each class in school uses a ‘Good to be Green Chart’
We use a positive reward system, which recognises the good behaviour of our pupils and encourages them to take responsibility and improve their behaviour.
The aim is for children to keep their card green.
There is a daily, weekly and termly reward system in place.
How is ‘Green’ behaviour rewarded?
Good to be green for :
1 day = 2 house points
1 week = 12 house points
At the end of a full term, children who have been 'green' all term will receive a reward for their positive behaviour. Children who have been 'green' for half a term receive a slightly smaller reward.
Waiting box behaviour
What behaviour looks like
Yellow card Behaviour
Having received a verbal warning, a pupil who continues to behave in a way that leads them to receive a yellow card will be expected to remain inside for 5 minutes at break time.
Warning card behaviour posters are displayed in all classes.
We encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour.
Therefore we give a clear and consistent message:-
Red Card Behaviour
Despite earning themselves a yellow card, sometimes pupils continue to behave in a way that leads them to receive a red card. These are more series incidents that mean pupils have missed opportunities to make changes to there behaviour.
Red cards are sometimes issued for incidents that are more serious in their nature e.g. hurting another pupil by hitting, kicking, pushing or with words.
Red card behaviour posters are displayed in all classes and clearly show the behaviours that will lead to a red card being issued.
We encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour. Therefore we give a clear and consistent message:-
~ You will pay back missed learning time by completing a 15 min detention.
~ Receiving several red cards will result in the loss of break and lunch time privileges.
~ You will miss out on planned treats that your peers will receive.
~ Your parents will be told about your behaviour.