Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Welcome to 6T


Below, you will be able to see your new classroom. As you can see, we are back to normal. Our tables are situated together just like they used to be and we cant wait for the children to get learning. All children will have access to their own equipment provided by the school.

Who will you be working with?


Welcome to our year 6 class page.  Across year 6 you will be working with a variety of teachers. My class will be assisted by Miss Weatherall. Some children in my class will also be lucky enough to have lessons with Miss Ottowell. You will also be working very closely with Mrs Limb and Mr Dowsett.




Please be aware that our PE days will be posted after Christmas due to swimming. Parents should be aware that on PE days, children will attend school in their PE kit. PE kit should be black/navy shorts or jogging bottoms and a white t-shirt. Please ensure children also wear the appropriate footwear for doing PE outside. If the weather does not permit us being outside, we may be in the hall.


In Autumn Term we will be swimming on a Monday afternoon so please ensure children bring suitable swim wear. Swimming will commence on Monday 5th September

