Welcome to 3C
Mrs Cave is our class teacher and there are 24 children in 3C.
Mrs. Kettle is a T.A. that teaches small groups in the mornings. Mrs. Jelley is a T.A. supports on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Mrs. Thomas is a T.A. who will be teaching the class on a Wednesday afternoon and joins Mrs Cave on Thursday afternoon.
Click on the termly links below
to find out more about what we are doing in our class.
Home School Record Books
It is really important that the book goes home each night and is brought into school every day. It contains information like the weekly timetable and any homework to complete. It provides a really great link between home and school and if any parent or carer wishes to leave a note there is a space at the bottom of each weekly page. Also it is a great record of when you hear your child read and goes towards their "Starbooks" awards.
During the second half of Spring Term we will be having PE on a Monday and Wednesday.
Children are to come in their school PE kit.
We have weekly spellings and Times Tables to learn and the tests are every Friday. It is important to practice your spellings. This can completed using the Spelling books and by doing anything more creative. Spelling practice can be fun, not just a chore! Please try to learn your times tables facts and the related divisions of x2,x5,x10,x3,x4. Ask your child about Fact Families! Your child also has access to TTRockStars. This is an app that encourages your child to learn their times tables and earn points and certificates.