Albany Junior School

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Geography Essence Statement



At AIS/AJS, we teach geography by meeting the requirements of the national curriculum. We aim to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people by teaching about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments together with an understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.


We aim to achieve this by teaching knowledge and skills through high quality sequences of lessons which are designed to help pupils develop their understanding of:


  • The location of a locality;
  • The human and physical features of the locality;
  • Who lives in the locality and what life is like;
  • How the locality compares to our locality;
  • The environmental issues facing the locality based on physical and human geography.
    Teaching is designed to take account of our five key curriculum drivers with skills and knowledge taken from our progression documents to ensure age appropriate content. Where appropriate, links are also made to ensure that children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is enhanced through geography.

Geography Policy


Our Geography policy explains the importance of the subject in our curriculum as well as our approach to teaching, learning and assessment.

Curriculum overview


Here is our curriculum overview, broken down into the key areas of:

  • Locational knowledge

  • Place knowledge

  • Human and physical Geography

  • Skills and fieldwork

Key questions and outcomes


Below are the outcomes for each Geography topic and a key question that we will explore.

Geography progression


These objectives show how geographical knowledge and skills progress and become increasingly more challenging through years 3-6. This forms the basis of our assessment at the end of each unit and the end of the year where we will identify if children are working below or at age-related expectations or at greater depth.
