Year 6 - Hagg Farm
Hagg Farm Y6 are off to Hagg Farm! If your child is off to Hagg Farm next week, please ensure they get plenty of rest! On Monday 15th October, pupils must arrive at school at 8:00am. They deposit luggage, medication, money etc in 6G and come dressed in non-uniform. Please send your child with a rucksack containing a packed lunch. They also need to be wearing a coat. On Friday 19th October, our estimated arrival time at School is 1:30pm*
*Any parents who are not registered with our text messaging service should contact the school office if you would like to receive updates about the visit. A text will be sent out to inform you of any unexpected delays or of an earlier return time, so please make sure that we have the most up to date contact details at the school office.
I have attached a copy of the parent presentation to 6G's Class Page. It contains any information discussed at the meeting and during the meeting with pupils today.