Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Year 6 News

We started the week celebrating the beginning of advent and everyone is enjoying the daily treats from Mrs Goffin. We also learnt how to be safe and how to rescue others in the water during our swimming lesson. A really great skill to know. 


This week, we have continued our work on fractions, learning how to add and subtract a range of fractions, including mixed numbers. Times tables are really important in helping us to work with fractions so keep learning them at home please.


In DT, our doll's house project is really starting to take shape. Working in teams, we have different rooms that are being created. Furniture is being made and wallpaper and flooring are being added too. We can't wait to see the finished products.


We are all looking forward to the Albany adventure next week!

Have a great weekend.


Miss Ottowell
