Year 5 Swimming Letter
Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
We are writing to confirm some more details about Year 5 swimming which will start next Monday 7th September. We would like you to send your child with a swimming kit please. We have discussed the practicalities of asking for the children to come with the kit under their clothes and decided that this would be too uncomfortable and impractical with toileting for some.
All children going swimming will sanitise their hands before they get on the swimming bus, as will the adults travelling with them. We will ask adults travelling with the children to wear masks as is required on public transport. We are, however, only taking with us adults who are employed by the school. Children will then get off the bus and sanitise their hands again on arrival at Bramcote Leisure Centre. They will put their swimming kit on and then take their belongings poolside, swim and then get changed back into their uniform.
Changing rooms and buses will be cleaned down between uses by different schools throughout the day. Children will then sanitise hands again and return to school for the end of the school day. Getting this information to you has taken slightly longer than we envisaged due to delays in getting information from the School Swimming Service. If you have any questions please contact the School Office who will be happy to help.
Yours sincerely
Craig Robertson Laura Goffin
Head Teacher Acting Head of School