Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Year 5 News

This week we have been focusing on playscripts in English and have been performing scenes from Snow White.  It was lovely to see children embracing their dramatic side.  After performing different scripts, we have been looking at the legend of Robin Hood and have begun writing our own playscripts.  In maths, we have moved on to decimals, looking at decimal place value and the relationship between fractions and decimals.  On Thursday, we welcomed the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) for a resilience workshop.  We were given different strategies to develop our resilience and some positive affirmations.  In DT, we have started sewing our Norman Purses.  This can be a tricky unit and one that can be quite frustrating at times.  The resilience workshop is going to come in very handy!


Thank you to those parents who have paid for the Norman workshop.  Without your contributions, we would not be able to have these opportunities.  The workshop will take place next Wednesday. 


Please see the spellings for next week below.  We will be focusing on the 9 times table next week. 
