Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Year 5 News

Another busy week in Year 5.  In English, we finished writing up our persuasive letters which were fantastic.  The children used the work we did during the debate to write a formal letter to The Witan. In maths, we have moved on to fractions and have been multiplying an integer by a fraction and mixed numbers, moving on to finding fractions of amounts.  Once again, it highlights just how important times table facts are.  Today, we have welcomed The GREAT project again, looking at healthy and happy relationships between friends and family.  In DT, we continued our sewing and learnt how to do cross stitch.  It is all very fiddly! 


If you have not yet returned the Norman letter and money, please do so soon otherwise we will be forced to cancel the workshop.


Next week's spellings are below and in your child's spelling book.
