Year 5 News
We have had a fab start to the new term. On Tuesday, we had an amazing assembly from Rocksteady Music School. All the children learnt about the different instruments in a rock band and got to sing, dance and rock out to the different songs. It even ended with three members of staff forming their own rock band, performing 'We Will Rock You' to the school.
In class, we have started our new unit in history, learning about the Normans and why the Battle of Hastings was so important. In English, we are using our knowledge of the Battle and the events that led up to it to have a debate about who we would have chosen to be king. In maths, we have been learning how to do long multiplication. Although some have found it difficult, they have shown great resilience and starting to get the hang of it.
To support our Norman unit, we will be having a workshop in school. Please see the letter that was sent home on Tuesday and return to school ASAP. Without your support, the event will have to be cancelled.
The spellings for next week are attached below.