Year 5 News
It has been a busy week in school this week. A lot of the week has been taken up by our end of year tests. All the children have worked really hard and it has been great to see the progress they have made. On Wednesday, they spent the day with Miss Ottowell who will be their Year 6 teacher.
Thank you to the parents that came to the PE workshop and a special thank you to Mr Still for organising it for us. Despite the rain, they managed to have a go at the javelin for sports day and finished off with a mini quiz. Next week is sports day on Monday and healthy living week. Children are to come to school in their PE kit and a coloured t-shirt in their house colour. We also have a trip to the library on Thursday.
As it was test week, there has not been a spelling test. Therefore, the spellings will be carried over to next Friday. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the Euro final on Sunday.