Year 4 News
Year 4 have had a great week. After our initial swimming assessment last week, we got lots of swimming practise this Monday and are looking forward to next week for our next one! We have started a new unit in English and will be working towards writing and making an advert to persuade our audience to buy a chocolate that we have designed (we were inspired by the Mayans and how they were famous for their chocolate!). In maths, we have moved on to calculating fractions of amounts e.g. 2/3 of 15. Our reading sessions have been around our class book The Chocolate Tree and in Topic this week, we looked at where the Mayan civilisation settled and have labelled their countries and key cities. On Thursday, we had World Book Day, we read The Getaway and have made our own books complete with illustrations inspired by Ed Verve’s book. Next week is our test week so make sure you have been practising our Year 3/4 100 word spellings and times tables.