Year 4 News
This week has been assessment week and we have worked really hard in them.
In Science, we have learnt that different animals have different teeth belonging to specific herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. In PE, we were introduced to the side slingshot throw within dodgeball, which is quite tricky, so we will continue to develop this in following weeks. We have also been introduced to the days of the week in Spanish, so that we will be able to say the date in full. In English, we have practised our Rainbow Grammar knowledge, writing sentences with fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses to describe a scene in South Africa. In our maths lessons, we have discovered how the 3, 6 and 9 times tables are linked and have developed our fluency with multiplication and division facts with the 7 times table.
We finished this week with an art lesson (sketching a face) and our singing lesson where we are preparing for our Christmas performance. Remember to keep practising the songs at home with your lyrics booklet as the performance is not that far away now.
Have a great weekend from the Year 4 team!