Albany Junior School

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Year 3 News 8.3.24

Another busy week in Year 3, the highlight being World book day. The children read and investigated the book called ‘Stuck’ where a boy keeps throwing things into a tree and they all get stuck. Some children then wrote a 2nd book to this called ‘unstuck’ with all the items falling back out of the tree, some children wrote their own version of ‘stuck’ where they had their own items falling out. In DT, we carried out market research to find out what different toppings people like on their pizza. The children finished their recounts on the Roman invasion of Britain and these were really well written and the children had taken lot’s of care over presentation. In Maths, we have been investigating and learning about mass and how to read a scale on a measuring scale. Next week is test week so there will be no spellings, children just need to practice 100 words.
