Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Year 3 News

Year 3 have had such an exciting week. We have written up in neat a brochure to advertise a holiday to Italy. We definitely want to go now! In Maths we have been enjoying the topic of ‘Statistics’ and collecting and representing data from the class. It has also been lovely to see our sunflowers grow to finish our topic of ‘Plants’ in Science, and we hope that they are continuing to grow with the right amount of: Light, Water, space and Nutrients. In music, the children are really enjoying learning the recorder and they have already started to master 4 different notes. Next week is assessment week but in Year 3 we still have plenty planned, with starting our new Science topic ‘Animals including Humans’ and we get to practice different dough recipes for our pizzas. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
