What is coming up.
I am writing just with a few reminders about events happening in the next few weeks and also moving into the New Year. These last few weeks of term will be very busy and we want your children to have fun but also to work hard and behave as we all expect them to.
Over the next two weeks all children will be having their second set of assessments this term. We are sure they have all been working hard and are looking forward to celebrating the progress they have made. Teachers will be feeding these results back to you early next term. Please feel free to have a chat with your child's teacher if you have any queries, worries or concerns.
On Wednesday 3rd December we have 2 presentations about E-Safety for parents and carers. This is a huge part of our Computing curriculum and the messages it gives children are essential in maintaining the safety of our children online. Lorna Naylor, from Notts County Council will present at 2pm and 6pm. Please fill in the letter we sent out and let us know you are coming. It will be great to see you.
The Christmas Fayre is on Thursday 4th December and we also have our Christmas Performance for Years 3 and 4 on Thursday 11th December. Tickets are still available at 2 per family. On Tuesday 16th December we have the Carol Service at 2pm and then after school the disco.
In the New Year, we welcome back Ms. Rawson. I am looking to hold another information session for parents. I will talk about homework, progress of the children across the school and our plans for how we will be working with our children to promote British values. If there is anything else you would like me to cover please let me know.