Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Teacher Updates 24/9/20

Year 3 have been learning about structures in DT this week. We have been focusing on the importance of triangles and how this can make a building or bridge stronger. The children have been practising building with straws and reinforcing what they have built. We look forward to using cardboard triangles to see if this can help our structures even more next week! 


Mrs Wright 3W & Miss Mercer 3M


In Year 4 this week we did our first science experiment where we found out what saliva and bile does to our food during digestion. In topic we learnt how to write our names in Egyptian Hieroglyphs on papyrus paper and we finally discovered how the Dream Giver ended in English.


Miss Hyde 4H & Miss Ottowell 4O


In 5M this week, the children have once more enjoyed swimming at Bramcote Leisure Centre. We have worked hard on rounding in Maths and have started researching a North American location (topic link)  in order to write a travel brochure to persuade a tourist to visit (one day in more normal circumstances!). The children loved Spanish this week with a teacher, who will be returning to Year 5 until half term, from The Bramcote School. In Art, they designed their sculpture in the style of Henry Moore (next week may be a little messier!!!) and have been interesting in learning more about the size and shape of the Earth, moon and sun and also why day and night occur. Another busy week!!!


Mrs Marshall 5M


This week we've been starting to learn the new 100 words for Year 5. These can be found at the back of the partnership books. Please take some time to learn them.


Miss Woolley & Mrs Cave 5W


It has been a great week in Year 6.  We have been learning about light, investigating how shadows are formed and how they can change depending on the light source.  In History, we have continued learning about the Ancient Greeks, learning about the different city states whilst focusing on the differences between Athens and Sparta.  

Please remember that the deadline for secondary school applications is the end of October and that local secondary schools are offering virtual open evenings and that some are offering open days.  Take a look at their websites for more information.


Miss Hubert 6H & Mr Tivey 6T
