Teacher Updates 11/9/20
Year 3 have been busy completing lots of tests this week and have impressed us so much with their sensible and mature attitude in lessons. We are so proud that they have all tried your best and we look forward to helping them make lots of progress this year!
Miss Mercer 3M & Mrs Wright 3W
This week, 4O have tried really hard in their tests and the first independent write. We have also explored some stories from the Bible such as Noah's Ark and David and Goliath and we thought about the key themes and messages .In PSHE, we thought about the textures, smells, tastes, sounds and sights that make us feel calmer and safer. There were some excellent ideas.
Miss Ottowell 4O
I've been really impressed this week with how hard 4H have been working and their attitude during test week. In the afternoons we've been learning about amazing men and women in the bible.
Miss Hyde 4H
This week has been filled with assessments so that we know our starting points. The children have all worked really hard and should be proud of themselves. As well as this, we have been considering how to keep our thoughts positive in the current climate and have been doing some work based on the book 'The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse.' We are hoping to have a fantastic weekend so we are ready for next week when English, Maths and all the other subjects will start again 🙂.
Mrs Marshall 5M
It has been a busy week in Year 6 with all the testing. Everyone has worked really hard and tried their best. Well done Year 6! We have been learning about the Muslim faith in RE and how we can help stay safe mentally and physically in PHSE.
Mrs Hubert 6H & Mrs Tivey 6T