Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Letter to Parents

Dear Parent and Carers


I am writing to you to share my concern about a report I had this morning from a parent who was deeply shocked. The parent concerned told me that she saw another parent waiting for their child outside the garage on Pasture Road. A young man, on a bike, cycled up to the waiting car. As the young man approached the car, the parent gave him some money and was given a bag which contained a substance, which looked like cannabis.


Now the exchange could well have been entirely innocent. However, the governors and staff are shocked and appalled that potentially parents are purchasing drugs whilst waiting to pick up children from school. Not only is this illegal but it is a terrible example to set for the young people of Albany.


As a school we spend a huge amount of time teaching children about the dangers of drugs and the people who try to sell them. We also spend a lot of time discussing the damage that they can do to a person’s health and also to their relationships with others. Additionally, we teach them that this is against the law and could result in them being prosecuted.


At the moment, we do not know who the parent is. When I find out I will have no hesitation in passing the information to our local PCSO. The staff and governors of Albany Juniors see the safety of our children as our priority and will have no hesitation in taking action.


If you have any questions about this incident please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours faithfully




Mr. C. Robertson

Head Teacher


