Its good to be back!!
The Easter holidays went so quickly but I just thought now we are back I would add a few pieces of information which you would like to know about which are coming up this term. It is great to see all of the children back safely plus a few more as well!
We have just ordered a new trim trail to be built on the grass verge of the large playground. If all goes to plan this should be ready for use just after half term. School Council designed what they wanted and this is reflected in what we ordered. If anyone would like to see the plan, feel free to pop in and see me.
We are also looking to make small improvements around the site. We will be replacing the wooden edging around the pathways at the front of the school. I would also like to get your suggestions about how we could smarten and tidy up the smaller playground at the back of the school. If you have any ideas, which are not too expensive please email me or pop into the school.