Class 6 News
This week, year 6 have had a great week with their writing unit, finding out many facts about Anne Frank and how the Jewish Religion were treated in the lead up to and during the second world war. Within out humanities, we also looked at how people stayed safe during the blitz and what precautions were put in place. All the children have worked extremely hard and we have had some fantastic outcomes in lessons. Below, you will see next weeks spelling list.
king |
amateur |
amateur |
category |
category |
categorise |
morning |
correspond |
correspond |
because |
environment |
environmental |
found |
frequently |
frequently |
language |
language |
language |
occur |
occur |
occurrences |
queue |
queue |
queue |
garden |
signature |
signature |
twelfth |
twelfth |
twelfth |