Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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  • 5M Update

    Fri 27 Nov 2020 Miss Frost

    In 5M this week, we found out about the archaeologists, who discovered the Indus Valley. In Maths, the focus is now very much on knowing our times tables as we have been finding out about multiples and factors of numbers, prime and composite numbers and squared and cubed numbers. Considering ways in which writer’s can make their work more descriptive and to hook a reader was the target in English when we watched the film clip ‘Alma’. Oh, and 5M’s class elf arrived slightly early but he has to Elf Isolate… this didn’t stop him helping himself to Mrs Limb’s mince pies!!!!

  • 5W Update

    Fri 27 Nov 2020 Miss Frost

    As part of World Children’s day on 20th November, Ben and Chloe, 5W’s Albany ambassadors, prepared and taught a lesson about refugees and about how to raise issues through letter writing. Ben and Chloe helped other children with their work and answered lots of questions. Well done! Mr Robertson and Mrs Goffin have been impressed by 5W’s independent writing this week and the children have been very creative in their descriptions of weather to create the mood of a story.

  • Updates from Year 6 Teachers

    Fri 27 Nov 2020 Miss Frost

    It has been so lovely to have 6T back this week.  We have continued our work on 'Little Freak' in English and explored the different feelings and emotions the character experiences.  We have begun our work on fractions and the children have been learning how to convert between mixed and improper fractions.  They are doing brilliantly.  

    Miss Hubert & Mr Tivey

  • Update from Year 3 Teachers

    Fri 27 Nov 2020 Miss Frost

    Year three had a really exciting morning on Thursday. They managed to connect with two classes at the infant school through ZOOM. Year three had written their own version of the Diwalli story “Rama and Sita” and a few children were selected to read their stories to the infants. It was a really great opportunity to connect at these sensitive times. Can’t wait for the next one!

    Mrs Wright and Miss Mercer

  • Newsletter 20th November 2020

    Fri 20 Nov 2020
  • 6T Update

    Fri 20 Nov 2020 Miss Frost

    This week, a large part of 6T have been learning from home and online. They have been accessing Microsoft Teams meetings with Mr Tivey four times a day, looking at many different areas of the curriculum. The children have been really engaged and have produced some fantastic work in English and Maths, especially in difficult circumstances. Mr Tivey is proud of the way the children have conducted themselves throughout the week. They have worked extremely hard. Hopefully this will continue into the early part of next week before they arrive back in school on Wednesday.



  • 6H Update

    Fri 20 Nov 2020 Miss Frost

    We had a great start to anti-bullying week with a wonderful assembly all about Ned and how important it is to keep going even when we find things difficult.  In class, it has been a little strange without 6T but everyone has continued to work hard.  We have been working on how we can improve our descriptive writing in English and BODMAS in maths.  During our reading and topic sessions, we have been looking at what life was like for a Victorian child and the many horrible jobs they had to do.  Needless to say, I think they prefer modern life!  In science, we have been exploring electrical circuits and created our own, experimenting with different components and how we can make bulbs brighter. 


    Miss Hubert

  • 5W Update

    Fri 20 Nov 2020 Miss Frost

    Over the last week, 5W have been exploring what happens to a crater when a ball is dropped into flour from different heights. There have been some unexpected results which we have plotted onto  line graphs using a spreadsheet in Purple Mash. We have started to design jewellery in the style of the ancient civilizations from the Indus Valley. In English, we have been thinking about how to express the emotions of a character.


    Miss Woolley & Mrs Cave

  • 5M Update

    Thu 19 Nov 2020 Miss Frost

    In 5M, we continued to write our spooky stories and have now begun Alma, a tale about a girl, who found a shop window with a doll that resembles her. Curiosity and temptation overwhelm her with dramatic consequences. We are learning about using adjectives and imagery to successfully draw in a reader. In ICT, we drew a line graph, using computer software from the results of an experiment we successfully conducted last Friday afternoon. The Indus Valley topic has been explored further with us learning about when in history this civilisation existed and investigating their jewellery, considering how to shade and use tone in our work.

  • Update from Year 3 Teachers

    Thu 19 Nov 2020 Miss Frost

    Our new Maths topic, which we have started this week, is Multiplication and Division. The children are enjoying learning about equal groups and repeated addition. In our topic lesson this week, we have started learning about Japan. In English, we have continued learning about stories from other cultures. We have been learning about using commas and have extended this into writing direct speech and using the commas in context.


    Miss Mercer & Mrs Wright
