Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Year 3 News

Year 3 have had a calmer week this week, we have added and subtracted crossing over 10s and 100s. In English, we have finished writing our Croods newspapers reporting on the discovery of fire and have learnt that it was not a baby sun. In Topic, we have found out more about the Celts and started to link to the Romans, which we will be learning about in the spring term. In Science, we have started to learn about the inside of the earth and where magma comes from, looking at pictures from Miss Tilley’s adventures on an active volcano. Over the holiday’s children are to practice their 100 words and to also practice times-tables on either TT Rockstars or the white and green book. New homework grids will be coming out today. We hope you all have a restful half term and look forward to seeing you after the holiday.
