Albany Junior School

Enjoy, Succeed and be Proud

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Menu Change Next Week

Because of the unexpected Bank Holiday, there have been some changes to the school dinner menu next week as follows:


Tuesday 20th September

Margherita pizza, jacket wedges, sweetcorn, carrot sticks or Jacket Potato with cheese, beans and mixed salad

Mousse and shortbread biscuit


Wednesday 21st September

Fish, chips, peas, sweetcorn or Jacket Potato with cheese, beans and mixed salad

Frozen yoghurt and raspberry couli


Thursday 22nd September

Gammon, stuffing, mashed potato, Yorkshire pudd, carrots, cabbage and gravy or Ham and Cheese Sub, carrot and cucumber sticks, roast potatoes

Chocolate Brownie


Friday 23rd September

Pasta, garlic bread and mixed salad or jacket potato, cheese, beans, mixed salad

Crispy jam tart and custard
